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Old April 19th, 2002
Sephiroth Sephiroth is offline
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: May 28th, 2001
Posts: 56
Sephiroth is flying high
Default Re: The whole thing s6x

Originally posted by Nosferatu
Morgwen, please remove the unecessary flooding of Sephiroth quoting the entire post of Phantom81. Sephiroth, this type of deliberate obfuscation of the forum is what gets people the name of 'troll'. If you behave like one, people will call you one. Why don't you edit your post and remove the 30 lines of quote before Morgwen has to? The original post is immediately above your post, you should not quote the whole thing AGAIN immediately below your post.

I do not know of any 30 line rule if a Mod askes(in morgwens case askes nicely) then ill be happy to go back and edit out the quotes when i see such a notice keep in mind that i dont visit these forums everyday.

The fact that you personally attack my past posts by calling them flooding, ask me to be modded, and then hint that im a troll.. Then you expect me to take you seriously?

The gdf and network resources should be more easily able to access and find them and it will happen eventually not like it can be done overnight. You only read two messages so you really dont know anything that goes on there.

You see the major difference between gnutella and networks like fasttrack is two things.

first its an OPEN NETWORK!! Is Fasttrack an open network? No.. Its a propierty network.

and second gnutella is a PROTOCOL not just a network.

So your whole open source is the only hope for the future isnt valid because its impossible for a few programs to gain total control of an open network because if other programs dont like anything then they can just go start their own network.

Spyware let me repeat this for the millionth time SPYWARE IS NOT A NETWORK ISSUE.. Its the users choice to use whatever program they want. If you can use whatever program you want then others deserve that same right without your interferance because you have no bussiness to worry about whats on other people's computer because it DOES NOT AFFECT YOU.

Also i think its important that gnutellahosts not limewire had the first implementation of a "ultrapeer" type system with there reflector.. In either case they only improve the network and dont have any negative because nodes that dont have ultrapeers just connect like normal. Also i think its important to mention that other programs will be compatible with Limewires implementation.

In the end I think your just making up problems as you go along. Also remember that Gnutella is a protocol and if you want a "commerical-free" network then go start one like openp2pnet. Whos going to stop you?

You do not need to "fix" the current network in any way and if you truely believe that this "network free of commercial clients" will be as great as you claim it will be and it will be people's "only hope" in the future then im sure that you will have no problem in getting people to use it without resorting to bashing the current network, programs and etc at all.
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