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Old March 20th, 2009
The Shadow The Shadow is offline
Join Date: March 11th, 2004
Posts: 21
The Shadow is flying high
Default Somewhere, Over-dubbed The Rainbow

Hi there

Simple and best advice is obvious-

Contract a 'name' or 'names' to do the readings.
It involves a large amount of studio time but if you somehow sneak in the magic words "for the blind" (or other alternatives) you will be very surprised with the results.
You may be quite happy with those 'artists' who respond but you must do it all through the individual artist's agencies.

If it involves productions for children, try 'Ringo Starr'... Think I'm joking?
All the artists can say is no... or YES, sometimes.
Bit like roulette...... 0 and 00 DO SHOW, OFTEN!!!
Who cares if you hear 'no' 99 times if you hear 'yes' just once!

Many artists are desperate for 'real work' that actually involves some fun and maybe a touch of personal satisfaction in the realms of 'payback'.
(Not to ignore "image burnishment", eh?)

Hey, how about Frank Zappa reading 'The Master and Margarita'?????
Pity it's too late for that one.

Kick doors.
Aim high.
Bon chance!
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