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Old April 20th, 2002
Sephiroth Sephiroth is offline
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Join Date: May 28th, 2001
Posts: 56
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Default Re: Re: Re: The whole thing s6x

If posting what you accuse me of posting the same thing over and over isnt that what many others here including yourself have done too? Much of the "problems" and etc listed by other people here have also been repeated many many times over in the past here. Yet im the only one "flooding."

This isnt the first time you have called me a "whiner" for posting and supporting my opinions which disagree with yours. Why your allowed to get away with all this is beyond me.

Also please find here in this thread where i called someone a troll..

Im sick of dealing with this everytime i post here and it isnt what some people want to hear..
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