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Old April 4th, 2009
Bill625 Bill625 is offline
Join Date: April 4th, 2009
Posts: 2
Bill625 is flying high
Default Installed LW for wrong version of MAC OS X

I accidentally installed LW on my MAC for the Leopard version 10.5 however I am running Tiger 10.4 When I installed the free basic version I never seen the version I was installing so after I tried running it I got the message that my JAVA update was incorrect and I needed to upgrade my operating system. So I went back to LW and noticed there was a link to older operating systems that I downloaded and tried to install when I got the message that I was trying to install a older version on top of a newer version and then got another message that nothing was there to install. There was no uninstall feature in the LW folder so I dragged the whole folder to the trash. Still no help. I read another tread that had the same problem but the advise was to go to library folder and search receipt folder. I have no receipt folder so that was no help.
Anyone have any clue as how to remove the old version of LW so I can try to reinstall the new/older version?
Thanks Bill
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