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Old April 7th, 2009
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Originally Posted by Blackhorse 70V View Post
It's a shame that LW doesn't track share ratios. DL speeds could be restricted for peers with low rates of sharing.

Kazaa users were able to disconnect from downloaders. Many users disconnected anyone who was not sharing.

And then there are those who share everything - even bogus files. I feel it is my duty to check out a file before leaving it for others to download.
Vuse (Azureus) slows downloads down once the share ratio drops below a certain percentage, & gets slower & slower the worse the ratio gets. It does this until share ratio recovers again.

It would be good if gnutella / gnutella programs had a similar ability.

Yes I've seen so many people sharing junk. Some accidentally. Some sharing rubbish that obviously nobody wants.
Whilst some people might not share for special reasons, those who leech with a nasty approach as described in first post are despicable.

lol @ PickaxeFairy's last sentence.
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