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Old April 20th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Question limewire without ads?

Does "going open source mean I'll be able to get a version without ads? I am not going to support Limewire by shopping online whether I like the software or not. Giving away a program on the condition that it displays ads is offensive. And these pop-ups!...people are so rude. Just because someone writes a piece of software they think they have the right to charge money, bundle ads or not release the source code and if they do it's done optionally as a gift. Intellectual property is theft. To keep knowledge secret or claim ownership of it is wrong, even if it was you who came up with it.
Go open source, yes. Stop trying to make money and we'll all be a lot happier. Ad-ware makes me wanna puke!
I thank the writers of Limewire for their open-source contribution and look forward to this and other sofware without ads in an emerging world where everyone shares.
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