Thanks but I've already looked at The first link before and the hostiles list thing, neither of which helped. I've been looking at the second one,a dn I added the I.P.s as it said but it seems to have done nothing. I went into my advanced tool tab and removed the current ultrapeers it was connected to and let it search for more. No matter which 3 ultrapeers I connect to, it doesnt change my problem. Not interested in peerguardian. Not sure what this means but in advanced tools, it says I am a leaf node. You are behind a firewalla nd do not accept firewall transfers. When I click why it says port unstable? What does this mean exactly? I have my router/firewall set up properly, and use upnp with limewire...and I disable my firewall when using LW.
True..I could install an older version, but I really dont want to. I shouldnt have to do that just to go back to version 4 and less than satisfactory performance. I'd rather try to get the new version working, hopefully better than version 4 did/. |