Hello Birdy,
Thanks to help me...
I'm going to try to explain a bit more.
Usually, incomplete (or not started) downloads resumed automatically until the "power supply crash" (sorry, i don't know the good words in English !
). When i was shutt down, all the files was restart automatically ni the next LW start...
This time, i had about 100 or 120 files downloading and i can saw them downloading with the button "show all".
After the "power supply crash", there's now only 7 files with "stalled" status. All others files with "Incomplete" or "not started yet" status have disappeared from the current downloading list.
When i go in the "incomplete" folder of my PC, i can see them (incomplete of course !). For example: i had a 11Go file in my donwloading list. Now i can see it in the "incomplete" folder (6,5Go) but not in my current downloading list. Its donwload don't start again now when LW starts.
And i don't know how to have it again in download list...
Thanks for your help !