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Old April 27th, 2009
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LW 5 is new & strange in a lot of ways - things that worked with LW 4 may not work in the same way with LW 5.

Over 100 downloads at once is a lot!! Maybe you could cut back on that number a bit?

I'm not 100% sure (I'm not a developer) but maybe the downloads which had never started have just disappeared by default since the crash - if a file had never started downloading then there wouldn't be any % of the file to save as an incomplete file.

Try this: start a new search for the files that show when you click on 'Show All'. Don't cancel the original download (because that will delete it forever)... just search again & see whether those downloads will continue. I've had downloads that were stuck & a new search moved them along.

Once some of those downloads complete, clear the finished downloads from the download tray - now see whether some of the other downloads that show in your Incomplete folder (but don't show when you click 'show all') move along so that you can see them in the download tray.
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