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Old May 2nd, 2009
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Originally Posted by GMAGDNA View Post
As for the "bad search results" being included in this thread, re-read orneryboy's last paragraph from about 3 weeks ago....
yes but that was not the thread topic. If he/she started talking about peanut jelly & marmalade, doesn't make it relevant. It would make it off-topic. Just being pedantic.

Put it this way, each gnutella program has a search horizon. They cannot search the entire network else each search would take hours. So search results come in from ultrapeers you are connected to & leafs connected to them, and ultrapeers connected to those ultrapeers, & ultrapeers connected to them. So somewhere along that chain are spammers. Sometimes people are connected directly to spammers who are ultrapeers so their spam results are much worse than other times. Sometimes there might not be a spammer within your search horizon. Generally when you connect to the network, the program will refer to previous connections it's had in the past, it keeps a list of them. So this in part can be the reason.

I have suggested to some people at various times, if you are only getting spam results, go to your connections window, remove the ultrapeer you have been connected to for the longest. Removing an ultrapeer can rock the connection so may need to wait a minute or several minutes for connection to stabilize. Then do a search, if still lots of spam, then repeat process.

Spammers have been around for many years, ... since start of century. It's just that they have become much worse, because it's a business for them, they get paid to do it (I think they get bonuses for stopping new releases being downloaded.) And now there's even more businesses, even larger networked computers set up to spam p2p networks such as gnutella.
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