Are there any incomplete download files? If yes, perhaps move them out. Or copy the complete incomplete folder elsewhere, then empty the one that LW is using. Too many incomplete files might affect it connecting.
However, I suspect your file is most likely out of date. See about half way down this page:
If LW 4 Will Not Connect (click on the blue link) 
LW must be closed when you replace that file. Oh .. you will find LW preferences folder at
Macintosh HD/System Folder/Preferences/.limewire. It's a good idea to view the preferences folder in List mode. Then LW will be at the very top of the list.
Also, when you open LW, for OS 9 it's best to set it to only connect manually. (I cannot remember where the setting is, perhaps in preferences under a setting called Connections.) Wait 5 mins for it to load, then go to File menu & choose Connect. That used to work fine for me.