Originally posted by rexxy4
Thanks to this forum I was able to get a link to 1.7 but after downloading a song itunes does NOT start up and start playing the song like it did on the origional version I had. Is it possible that I could have had a different version? If so where can I get it? My origional download was done in middle to late January. Thanks [/B]
The following are links to downloads of previous LW's
(I did not find pages for any earlier ones; have been deleted by LW?)
(In Jan of 2002, you could have downloaded one of the 1.8 versions?)
http://limewire.gnutelliums.com/1.7c/ http://limewire.gnutelliums.com/1.8/ http://limewire.gnutelliums.com/1.8b/ http://limewire.gnutelliums.com/1.8c/
Note that the address is consistent...just put the LW version # you want at the end.
Good hunting