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Old May 23rd, 2009
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Streamyx are known for throttling p2p. Check out the threads below.
Why Tmnet throttle P2P
Streamyx slow? Is there any alternative broadband in Malaysia? -
Why Torrents in Streamyx is SLOW - GeminiGeek’s Online Journal

LW 5 won't show you the firewall icon - instead you need to click on LW's tools > advanced tools & there you'll see whether you're behind a firewall.

In LW's options (Command (Apple key) & Comma keys ,) try changing port numbers. Once in Options > advanced > super really advanced > firewall. Change LW's listening port to 65000 (or something in the range of 49152 - 65535) > ok.

On that same firewall page, you'll see whether you have port forwarding or UPnP selected.
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