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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 24th, 2009
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

I seriously believe you would prefer LW 4. Download from a link under the Past Releases paragraph here: Get LimeWire for Your Platform - Lime Wire

A high percentage of both old & new users have gone back to LW 4 after disliking or having problems with LW 5. For such an experienced user, I'm sure a bright green interface with many less functions would not attract you. LW 4 is most likely your best choice.

One issue with LW 4.12 is the newer versions will not connect to versions older than LW 4.14, thus giving older version users problems connecting & finding files to download. At least with LW 4.18 you will see best of both worlds.
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