You know DreaMule is a eD2k client,and to use them ,you have to have good time.....I use the real eDonkey2000 client on network,its working ok!
I belive the problem is the new servers and the RIAA/MPAA -they try to destroy the entire network,but the Donkey/Mule refuse to die...But that network makes Gnutella like peanuts in compare!Nearly all previouse Kazaa user ended up there...On a good day i have acess to nearly 30 million files,not bad!Small files goes usely in seconds,larger files take longer time-i love the eDonkey2000 BitTorrent support-working great!Shareaza is support eD2k network too,but i never get enny files at all!!!But for the good old Donkey is thumb up!

But to use that network i will advise to use Peer Guardian with good block list,els you are the DOD on the network...The RIAA/MPAA goons try all the time to make me DOD for them with out i even know it,sorry i do know they trying all the time!