Thats cool,i usely download music,and my friends call me "TunaHolic"-wish is true.....On eDonkey2000 i get 2,5kb's-1000kb's,on Gnutella i have mostly 5kb's-1500kb's,and Ares give me from 2,5kb's-1200kb's.I have 10mb in line speed.The strange thing is i have better speed in kb's on both Ares and Gnutella,but eDonkey2000 is still faster for me mostly-atleast on small files....On LimeWire i have only maxs 250kb's-mostly 67kb's as averge!Iam a huge kiss fan,and thats mean i like to" keep it simple stupid",and for me is that eDonkey2000 and Ares mostly...Gnutella flodding over of spam
and stuff-so much,no fun enny moore

PS: I did tried DreaMule to day,i wasent to happy...To much to config and tweeks to do!Its use eD2K and Kad network,similiar to eDonkey2000 its use eD2K and overnet!The fun part and the eDonkey feeling was'ent there at all....