Hi Guys,
I was using Bearshare for years. I had never connection problems or something like that.
Now one day ago I wanted to use Bearshare. I was waiting and waiting but there was still no connection. Ther first led was always flashing red. Iīm using BS 5.0.2 pro btw.
I looked for the firewall status and I looked for the settings in my router. But everything was fine. My Computer is also ok (no Virus or something)
So I looked here in the gnutella forums and found that connect.zip from aaronwalkhouse. I managed to connect bearshare with that package but later on I had the same problems with the connection.
So my question is: Is bearshare now really dead? I mean this is really sad beacuse BS is the best p2p ever

Is there some way to solve this problem?
Because I donīt want to change to limewire/frostwire