I have just read something that may apply to you, is it possible that the heat from your car engine could be getting into your car CD player. This heat and subsequent cooling could destroy your homemade CDs.
As you know, commercial CDs are made by using lasers, i.e. burning pits into an aluminium master, which is then used to make (stamp-out) commercial CDs. While homemade domestic CDs are made by heating a special dye. I'm guessing that the heating and cooling process could (and would) disrupt the dye patterns that you created when you recorded your audio CDs.
If I am right then your only solution is to re-site, if possible, where your CD player is installed your car.
UK Bob
Last edited by ukbobboy01; June 5th, 2009 at 06:45 AM.
Reason: Clarification.