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Old June 6th, 2009
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Pointman Pointman is offline
Straight G
Join Date: August 9th, 2006
Posts: 38
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Exclamation (Blue Texted URL) Mag Links

I realize this is an old post but I wanted to give back a lil .
There's a Reg file that'll assosiate Limewire or Frostwire with the (Blue Texted URL's) known as Mag-Links located at the bottom of each Bitzi webpage & for those who don't know what Bitzi & Mag-Links have to do with Limewire/Frostwire then please read on.

If You go to & search for the 2009 movie "**" You'll get a search result much like that at Google. It'll display a list of links & each link leads to a webpage. Only difference is these links take You to webpages that contain Ratings & a Mag-link for that particular movie.
Your supposed to be able to Single-Clk on the Blue Mag-Link located at the bottom of the page to auto-launch the download process of the movie "**".
However this is where the problem arise's because without setting the proper Xp-file-assosiation (Your P2P app will never auto-start the download process)

Anyway a Reg file to fix the file assosiations can be downloaded here> MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service The Reg file is in a Rar pkg, & once decompressed You'll see 2 files, one named Frostwire & the other Limewire, choose the one named after Your P2P app & Dbl Clk on it, at which point You'll be promted by Xp to merge the data from the Reg file into Your Windows XP Registry,You choose Yes!
Make sure to scan the Rar file with Your AV & preview what'll be merged into Your Reg by opening each file with Notepad

Sorry Pointman, but we can't allow the names of copyrighted files to be posted... looks like condoning copyright infringement
Rite-Rite Good Lookin Out, Thanx!

Last edited by Pointman; June 6th, 2009 at 02:34 AM. Reason: Removing copyrighted file names
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