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  #22 (permalink)  
Old April 22nd, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default XP Pro + Limewire 2.3.4 = slow

to afisk :

(Or is it 2.3.3? says so. LimeWireWin.exe Properties says 2.3.4 (File version

1) Not running Ultrapeer (or anything other than Limewire) while CPU runs 20 to 70 averaging 30

2) Sharing 4150 files : sharing 0 files makes no difference

3) Maintaining 3 connections in the connections tab. Uploads Per Person 3, Start Upload Slots 5, Max 5

4) Cable

5) 1 GHz Athlon, 512, ASUS A7V133

The puffy XP task bar flickers, occasionally disappearing altogether for a 3 count. The machine grinds.
ONLY Limewire -- in contradistinction to whatever scenario of concurrent aps I may choose -- will dare this. Going back to 2.0.2. Which is the best of them all and who has it?

Great programme otherwise!

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