And it occured to me: Is there any way to tag files to tell someone that you ripped them, and they are untampered?
More like a PGP signature? (To identify the source, that is.)
(Not quite hashing. I just want to be able to rip lots of my CD's, and share them, and for someone to know that they are good, and untampered with.)
That would be a definate request of mine, for someone to know that I myself ripped it, so they know its Quality. (And maybe, search by whoever rips things by-category. Say: Music -> By: "User" or Music -> By "User".
Just a thought. Maybe someone else can explain more clearly
Edit: The point of the hash being to know exactly who the originator was. Like, when warez says "CLASS" on it, I know its good because it is associated with a warez group that is known for what they do, same idea here.