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Old April 23rd, 2002
umStefa umStefa is offline
Starving Student
Join Date: November 7th, 2001
Posts: 17
umStefa is flying high

Gnutella does have a problem and that problem is the fighting between fans of each client. When we fight with each other we are just helping out the RIAA and their goon's.

The absolutly worst thing that could happen to the network would be if the different clients started blocking each other. This would result in little sub-networks forming (i.e. a BS network, a LW network, a gnucleus network, etc.). These sub-networks would be easy for the RIAA with all its resources to attack. Right now the only reason that Gnutella is immune to attack is the networks size. In order to attack you would need to be able to map and monitor the network. This is impossilbe at present but if the network sub-divides into factions then it becomes possible.

Keep the network sharing and keep the network strong. BS/LW are commercial ventures that require a strong network in order to be succesful. It is in their best interset to keep the network strong and out of reach of the RIAA. The other clients benefit from the added contributions of BS/LW.

There are things that we don't like about what certain developers are doing BUT we all have the option of using a different client. As long as those developers are allowing their clients to share with the rest of the network on the most current protocol (I know this will hurt those using older clients but protocol's do change and it is not resonable to expect developers to make all the clients backwards compatable, though this does improve an individual clients ability to find rare files) then they have the right to develop their clients any way they see fit. A client that prefers itself to other connections is not seperated from the network (it still will connect outside of its own kind) and its files are still accessable to others on the network.

Viva Gnutella
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