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Old April 23rd, 2002
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markyrwol markyrwol is offline
Join Date: September 20th, 2001
Location: Tyler,TX
Posts: 155
markyrwol is flying high
Exclamation XoloX put “800 Meg” of junk on my HD.

I found something interesting that Xolox left on my Hard Drive. I was editing my cookies (C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files) when I viewed “Properties” for the “Temporary Internet Files” folder and saw that the file size was over “800 Meg”. I right clicked and hit “Explore” and I found a Xolox “Temp” folder with 800+ Meg of “JOB-Segments” in it. I was able to run some of the XLX files and found they where segments from movies that I download several months ago. I have never used anything but the temp folder in “C:\Program Files\XOLOX” for my Xolox partial downloads. I don’t know how or why these “JOB-Segment.xlx” files ended up in my “Temporary Internet Files” folder, but 800 Meg is a lot of space to waste. Any one that has used Xolox should go to “C:\WINDOWS” and check the file size of their “Temporary Internet Files” folder to make sure that its not hiding a load of partial downloads from Xolox. Running a file/folder search did NOT reveal these “JOB-Segments”. Due to the special nature of the “Temporary Internet Files” folder, opening the folder in the normal way hid everything from me but cookies and other website junk, I had to use the explore feature in order to see everything in this file.
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