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Old July 9th, 2009
minimoongirl1119 minimoongirl1119 is offline
Join Date: June 26th, 2009
Posts: 14
minimoongirl1119 is flying high

it worked on the second account I just created! without a single problem but what does that mean? Does that mean that there's something on my usual account which interferes with FW? because other than some desktop shortcuts and things like that I see no major differences in the two accounts. I mean my files and things aren't on the secong account although the programs are and it seems like a real hassle to transfer files form one account to another on the same computer. So what can I do if files are the only difference why does it work on the test account?

Last edited by minimoongirl1119; July 9th, 2009 at 12:04 PM. Reason: had to add something
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