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Old July 11th, 2009
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I'd have thought Netgear would be reliable. Are you using it in wireless mode or via ethernet cable or via usb? Wireless can be highly reliable, USB slower compared to ethernet.

You are using Acquisition for torrents? I presume it has same abilities as LW for torrents which is not too much. lol Since the code is basically LW's code with some of the Acquisition dev's own changes. And yes, it's been known for many years that dev is not overly friendly. Plus he closed his code.

I used the basic Acquisition for a short period a couple years ago, and also around 6 years back. I didn't like it.

It's my guess you are getting too many connections from your torrent files. Torrents tend to have many connections & a lot of traffic between each host & the program, thus in some cases flooding the user's program/router, etc. Unfortunately Acquisition most likely does not have an advanced setting where you can limit connections to torrents. We always advise people to use a proper torrent program. Best ones for mac are Azureus (Vuse) & Transmission. Though I've heard uTorrent now has an OSX version, & there are a couple others around for OSX but I'd recommend either of first two which will also get acceptance at all private torrent sites (LW & Acquisition will not.)

Other alternative would be to reduce number of torrents you are downloading at one time. Some popular torrents may have 500+ hosts & that many messages going to & from all those hosts is a lot of traffic. What type of messages? Too many to mention. Such things as what bits one host has & you do or don't, if they have available bandwidth, a request for a downloading a piece of the file, etc. etc. Torrents are traffic heavy with messages.
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