Screw you Limewire Well after deleteing numerous registry keys and reading up on tutorials, I finally removed that damned "Cydoor" program from my system..
I am offended that you would do this to anyone, I find it funny that you wish to shoot your product in the leg by bundling it with spyware... jesus christ you people must have the intelligence of a 2 year old.
Well I'm done with you and your product, Kazaa and Direct Connect meet my needs much more than Limewire ever could. If you would even open your eyes for one second, you'd see that almost every other P2P service is doing BETTER than you! I think some little red lights would be going off if you knew that but evidently you don't.
No one deserves to have their personal information or web surfing habits stolen from them and given to someone else. Even though I don't have anything to hide, I find it even more offensive that you would allow your product to be bundle with such viral programs.
Cydoor does not , in my opinion, fit the definition of a program since it's evident that this virus-like program exhibits many tendencies of common computer viruses. It is sneaky, you don't see it running or know what it is doing... It runs itself without your consent... and lastly, it is difficult to remove but fairly easy at the same time. Simply boot up Windows in DOS and delete the files manually.
I suggest to anyone who uses Limewire to run LavaSoft's AdAware program to sniff out your spyware and remove it. Even if you don't, it won't hurt to do a scan or two every few weeks. |