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Old April 24th, 2002
Cornholio Cornholio is offline
Join Date: April 19th, 2002
Location: California
Posts: 11
Cornholio is flying high
Lightbulb connection limit suggestion

Get rid of it!!! It is ABSURD to be on a T1 and to be able to maintain only 10 connections (especially with the new ultrapeer code).

I can hear the followup "workaround" suggestions already... "Why don't you just switch your connection type to T3, then you can have as many as you want." I don't want to. Firstly, I don't like the idea of misrepresenting my connection to others. Secondly, I am at a business and like to limit my upload bandwith (usually 35 KB/s). I've noticed that if I switch to T3, the minimum cutoff for uploads jumps to 90 something KB/s.

I'd suggest just making it a warning. Something along the lines of "The number of connections you have selected is above the suggested limit (##) for your selected bandwidth. Proceed? (Y/N)"
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