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Old April 24th, 2002
Smilin' Joe Fission Smilin' Joe Fission is offline
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Default Re: connection limit suggestion

Originally posted by Cornholio
I can hear the followup "workaround" suggestions already... "Why don't you just switch your connection type to T3, then you can have as many as you want." I don't want to.
Then don't. What I've found works is you can switch to T3, jack up the number of connections and then switch back. When you switch back, LimeWire doesn't automatically scale back the number of connections. It works for me at least. I have a DSL connection (although I get near T1 service) and I'm unsatisfied with the measely 6 connections I'm allowed either. So I switched my connection type to a T3, jacked up my number of connections to 20, and changed my connection type back to DSL. My number of connections stays at 20 even after shutting down and restarting LimeWire. The only time it changes is when I manually change it... but then I just change the connection type back to T3 and jack up the number of connections again. (BTW, I'm using 2.3.3 Pro.)

I know... in a perfect world, we shouldn't have to use loopholes to get the performance we want. This is why I agree that we should have the option of setting the number of connections ourselves. I'm just letting you know that you're not stuck with misrepresenting your connection type if you want to manually jack up your max connections.
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