Originally Posted by colbybermel I have installed the most recent version of LimeWire onto my MacBook with Leopard (OSX 10.5.7). I have used it many times successfully in the past, but now, when I attempt to open LimeWire, it bouces up and down exactly once and does not open. I have tried to restart my laptop and that doesn't work... what should I do? |
Hi colbybermel !
My daughter had the same type of problem with a macbook (intel processor, mac os 10.5.7 After JAVA update from apple LW did only bounce ones in the dock and that's it.
So what we did is the following :
download offline installer for the latest Java - this didn't help..
Putting Java 6 higher in the list... this didn't help
Then we did all apple updates that were available for her macbook, throwed away the install limewire.pkg (this wasn't necessary, but ok...)
repared authorisations (a must after updates !) and installed LW 5.1.4
everything OK.
Most of the times this is a Java problem (like doing the Java update while a browser is running). You can download the offline installer here :
Normally it will install without bizarre messages. Reboot, repair authorisations, install LW 5.1.4 and normally it should run.
To my knowledge there are no troyan horses that are able to cause problem to a mac.
succes !