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Old July 16th, 2009
vita64 vita64 is offline
Limewire newbie/Mac user
Join Date: September 21st, 2006
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 9
vita64 is flying high

Before OS X, I considered myself at least a little Mac-savvy, though certainly not a techie. I hated clutter on my computer and in my System folder. I was always looking for things to toss. (Hard drive size was still an issue then.) I'm sure there was a proper way to uninstall software back then, but I'd just trash whatever I didn't need.

After OS X, I did the same thing and pretty much killed my computer. It was NEVER right after that. So unless there's an actual uninstall program, old software just sits on my computer taking up space (which there's plenty of, so no biggie).

When I upgraded to Limewire 5.1.4, it overwrote 5.1.2 Everything in my library remained intact. Precisely the result I was looking for.

I have a "duh" type question. When I download software, I get a device type icon on my desktop. I hate clutter on my desktop. If I wanted that, I'd have a PC. I thought the icon was just the installer, so I tossed it. But then Limewire wouldn't work, so I had to reinstall it. I'm guessing the icon IS Limewire or an important part of it. Do I have to leave it on my desktop or can I put it somewhere else?

I also have a Skype icon. Same question.

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