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Old July 16th, 2009
vita64 vita64 is offline
Limewire newbie/Mac user
Join Date: September 21st, 2006
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 9
vita64 is flying high

No, I don't think the icons are Aliases. In OS X, don't the Aliases have a little arrow at the bottom left of the icon? The icons I'm talking about look like little hard drive or device icons. I thought they were just the installer apps, but stuff tends to stop working if I toss them.

I didn't even know I had a Receipts folder, so I've certainly never removed anything from it. I learned my lesson about OS X and messing with the System folder that one time when I tried to mess with it like it was still OS 9. I'll never do that again.

If I really feel that I must do something of that nature, I'll ask someone who knows more than me or I'll RTFM.
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