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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 24th, 2002
Join Date: April 22nd, 2002
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba , CANADA
Posts: 4
WJLELECTRIC is flying high

You are right! I have conflict catcher but just before I was going to use it I tried one more thing. I noticed that every time I downloaded Limewire, my Norton anti-virus came on the screen saying there was a problem with blu-shannon-generalplus-468x60. I found this and other simular items in a folder in Limewire and I dragged them to the trash and deleted them. Since I did this I seem to be free of the freezeups at this point. I have downloaded 8 songs and the screen isn't freezing like it did before. Maybe trashing the ads in the folder did the trick. I never got around to using conflict cather. I will if the situation reoccurs. Thanks for the suggestion.
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