Originally posted by Taliban You can expect the connection limit to be enforced much more strictly in future versions, since people with lot's of Ultrapeer connections can reduce the overall Gnutella performance, while only marginally improving their own search results. |
Unfortunately, that only means I will be forced to misrepresent my connection speed. It's not going to stop me from putting in as many connections as I think my system can handle... with a strong emphasis on
what *I* think my system can handle... not what Limewire thinks my system can handle.
- I doubt you will have more than 25% more search results with 20 connections, than with let's say 6. |
After experiencing the results of both scenarios, I seriously beg to differ.
You can imagine it like that. There are 16 ultrapeers, A1 to A4, B1 to B4, ... , D1 to D4. A1 to A4 and B1 to B4 [...] are connected to each other directly, so being connected to e.g. A1 and A4 at the same time will not increase your search horizon. With three connections the mathematical probability to have _one_ useless connection is ~60%, with six connections the probability will be 80% that you have _three_ useless connections. |
That may be true, but it still works for me... and besides the scenario you describe doesn't happen all the time. Not only that, the same scenario can happen with 6 connections as well, so by jacking my connections up to 20, one might argue that I'm increasing the probability that I will have fewer redundant connections.
That's why increasing your connections does only hurt the network. |
I don't think so. I am only taking part on the network as a leaf node... I am never an ultrapeer. I have no incoming connections of my own, so please describe how I'm hurting the network.
I see it quite the opposite. By connecting to many more ultrapeers, I am exposing my shared library to a larger audience.
Not only this, but I have often wondered what makes 6 connections the optimum number of connections for a DSL internet connection? Did the LimeWire devs do a bunch of tests to determine that 6 connections yielded the best results for most DSL users? How do we know that the max number of connections for DSL shouldn't be 8 or 10 or more? And since it appears that DSL speeds vary from ISP to ISP, why do ALL DSL users have to be lumped in together in one group? I have a DSL connection that seems to me to be on par with a T1, and if I didn't use the loopholes to my advantage, I'd still be stuck with only 6 connections because it's still a DSL connection.
You know what I think? I think some LimeWire dev picked a magic number out of the air (or magic fairies gave him a number in his sleep... one of the two) and that's the number that was used.