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Old April 26th, 2002
Smilin' Joe Fission Smilin' Joe Fission is offline
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: March 14th, 2002
Location: Canada
Posts: 121
Smilin' Joe Fission is flying high

Well, to be honest, I've recently put development of my servent on hold indefinitely. Lately, just too many things have cropped up that have prevented me from working on it and it doesn't look like my schedule will be clearing anytime soon.

Besides that, with everyone moving to supernodes/ultrapeers (whatever hype name they want to give it), and with the speed that some of the other development teams are adding features to their servents, they are leaving me (an individual developer) in the dust. I'd need a team of my own just to keep up. I could try and form a development team of sorts, but then there's the time issue that I eluded to above.
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