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Old August 23rd, 2009
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First comment: I hope the dev is aware of Gnutella protocols. I'm not sure BetterShare 5.3.0-2.0 is within them. But then I don't know the specifics of gnutella protocol. The concept of ... "... 999 simultaneous download streams for up to 50 files at the time" I'm sure et voilą would have been screaming at. (He used to test gnutella apps to see if they behaved properly on the network.) But I guess it's not too much of an upper. Just seems taking a 'lot' of available hosts in a greedy fashion. For those clients that can only download from 8 hosts per file, that's a lot of hosts that will not be available to them if there were a lot of BetterShare clients in use taking up everybody's upload slots. I will seek more information about this.

Second comment: Fantastic to see someone developing the original program from where it left off or just a little before, before the program sold out of course.
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