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Old August 29th, 2009
jamie1 jamie1 is offline
Join Date: July 15th, 2008
Posts: 4
jamie1 is flying high
Default what am i missing ?

hi everybody iv'e not been here in a while ( if it aint broke and all that ) my hard drive gave up the ghost and stopped working last week loosing me all my stored stuff that wasnt backed up limewire pro / nero ,itunes library etc ive managed to get most stuff put back onto my new hard drive including l/w 4.18.8 as i preffer this to version 5 the problem is i am able to download from l/w itself but when i try to download from bt junkie/mininova etc its opening the window what program do i want to use to open the files i select l/w then they drop into the downloading box at the bottom but then all i get is need more sources or locating sources and nothing starts downloading ive tried quite a few files but still the same messages appear im using vista bye the way same as before any help would be great i tried using u torrent and they downloaded but i using prefer l/w as its more user friendly
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