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Old August 31st, 2009
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Vegemite was originally a product from Australia but a USA company bought the rights to produce it. Had to say that. lol
We used to have fish n chips wrapped in newspaper also once upon a time. Now it's just a plain white'ish paper (lack of so many chemicals I guess.)

A slightly different type of pie here. Meat pies; which are about 4 inches (9-10 cm) in diameter, an inch (2.5 cm deep) which make a small handy meal usually for lunch. Traditionally they were a beef gravy. Nowadays they might be a mixture with lamb or kangaroo meat depending on brand. There's also other meat flavors such as chicken or chicken with vegetables. Or curry flavored or meat with mushrooms, etc. Traditionally pies have a dipping of tomato sauce on top, whether the person wants sauce or not.
Then there's 'Party Pies' which are miniature versions of the above meat pies (about 1/2 size, perhaps 1/3 of weight).
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