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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 27th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Over and over i hear of people complaing that they are getting a filestream error------->1 despite there being numerous posts about it. however, the fix that is being given while working in many cases does not tell the full story.

Due to multisegmented downloads (where one file in downloaded by taking different parts of it from more than one person who has the file then reasembling the file once all parts are through) xolox needs a folder to be specified in which it can download these individual parts. It also needs to be told where to put the file that has been complete and assembled.

filestream error------->1 is where xolox has not been told where it is to put these files. Xolox cannot run if it does not know what to do-ur telling it what to take, where to take it from but not where to take it to.

To sort this you must tell xolox where to take the files. this is easy. you have two options

option 1 is the most common solution to the problem. create a downloads and temp folder in the xolox directory. If you have not told xolox something else in the past then this will work as the xolox default is for these folders which i assume are not created because of option 2 which is what i think the original developers intended

option 2 is where you create any folders anywhere on a hard drive and tell xolox to put files there. you do not even have to create new folders - just tell xolox to put all files into the xolox directory but please note that i do not reccomend this. what i do recommend is that you create a folder in which xolox can put the temporary files seperately. this can be anywhere and b called anything. Mine is called incomplete for example. The advantage of having these files kept in a folder on their own is that there is never any need to go into it and the files inside will never be deleted by mistake.
you also need to tell xolox where to put the finalised files. this is also completely flexible. xolox will put them anywhere that you ask on your hard drive and you can name the folder what you want - be it downloads/new/music/films - you name it, you can have it.

rite. now that you have created these folders you need to tell xolox where they are and what they are called. this is easy.
open up xolox
go to tools
go to preferences
go to downloads
click on the ... button to the right of the move downloads to this directory when complete
choose the folder in which u want your complete files to be put
click on the ... button to the right of the the save incomplete files in this temporary directory
choose the folder in which you want the parts of files to be stored

After this you should no longer recieve the filestream error--------->1 and you can also have your downloads put wherever you want. you must remember that if you move your folders for downloads then you must tell xolox otherwise you will get this error again.

i hope that this helps not only to explain how to fix the error but that it also allows every1 to understand why it happens in the first place

originally posted by: <b>xolox_girl</b>