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Old September 2nd, 2009
eggswithgreenham eggswithgreenham is offline
Join Date: September 2nd, 2009
Posts: 2
eggswithgreenham is flying high
Default Tweak needed to Upload to peopl Faster!

I just now downloaded a file from a user at 79 kBps. That's not unusual for me to find one person who downloads to me that fast. I, however, NEVER upload to anyone faster than about 15k. Usually at 5 or so. So many people have shared with me that I'd really like to serve up better to give back. I've got a heck of a library of useful stuff for people and I downlod at up to 4 MegaBytes per second. Why is my upload speed so lame? All my lime settings for upload are "unlimited". So, how to people upload to me that fast?
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