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Old September 4th, 2009
Annalisa Annalisa is offline
Join Date: September 4th, 2009
Posts: 4
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Default Help me! I can't change the limewire's preferences because there isn't the bottom!!!!

Hallo at all!
I'm very said for my bad english (I'm Italian) but I have a big really problem:

when I go in the preference's windows (form limewire 5.2.8. Pro)
I can change the preference but there isn't the bottom for save!

In fact, the bottom that I see are two: help and cancel.
The cancel bottm are incomplete!

(see the attach)

If I close the preference's windows, the preference aren't change.

I need change the preference in search area for dowloading software!

(Hey, my limewire is correct and I paid for version PRO)

Please, help me!!

If the information is useful, I use Mac Os X version 10.5.7

Thank you soo mutch for any help..

Attached Thumbnails
Help me! I can't change the limewire's preferences because there isn't the bottom!!!!-immagine-16.png  
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