Originally Posted by birdy What extension are the movies that won't play?
Which program are you using to transcode/burn the files?
Are you still using the same brand & type of DVD discs as before?
Did you see any error messages when you were burning the movies? |
hey you just responded to my post so i thought i write you here .
Ok I am downloading avi files movies that my dvd player will play. It doesnt play mp4 on dvd player has to be mpeg or avi. What seem to show what the file is when you download on limewire in the past and now.
I am using nero and I never had problem with it. I am able to burn whatever I want on my dvd using my nero program.
Yes I am still using the same brand of dvd when I burn movies or music. Nothing has change.
No I dont see any error when I burn dvd. I am able to burn them and when I view the files on the dvd on m ycomputer all the music and movies are on the dvd and able to play them on my computer but some reason when I put in my dvd player it doesnt show. I know there were some movies in the old version you couldn't play in mydvd player depending on the file type but always was able to get whatever movie I want. I just downloaded 14 movies and burn them all on dvd and it dont show on my dvd player only if i open it in my computer.
I m thinking limewire may put a code in the limewire so you cant watch it on your dvd. I dont know I never had problem with you guys till you have this new version.