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Old September 19th, 2009
ArrJay ArrJay is offline
Join Date: September 19th, 2009
Posts: 2
ArrJay is flying high
Default Downloading slower on Vista?

I hope I'm in the right place and this hasn't been asked before, haha. If I'm not or it has, my apologies.

On my old home computer, Limewire was decent to quick - that was Windows XP. The more hosts you download from, the quicker it is. I know the drill. I'd be getting a couple hundred kb per second to several hundred off ten or so hosts.

When I got my new laptop things changed for the worse, which is odd as it's far superior to my old computer in regards to all the specs as well as connection which is about 9.5 Mb/s. On this new laptop which is Windows Vista (although I still don't know if that has anything to do with it) regardless of how many hosts I connect to be it 5 or 10 or 20, I still only get about 20-50 kb/s.

I use an older 4.9.37 version because I didn't update for awhile, and I really can't stand 5+'s design. I've tried switching to the most recent version to see if it makes a difference. However, the result is still the same.

As far as I know there's nothing like a firewall and what not hindering it, as I've checked all that.

My system details are as follows:

Windows Vista Home Service Pack 1. I am the Admin.

Firewall is Bullguard, but that's set to allow Limewire.

3G of RAM

151G of space available.

Connection type is T3 based off what I've read here.

I'm connecting wirelessly from my University.

Version is already stated.

I don't know who the University's ISP is.

Edit: Woops, I'm silly. The University's ISP is apparently itself >_>

My test indeed worked, lol

As far as I know this wireless connection is Ad hoc, although I've blocked
my computer from sharing with others.

I've used limewire in the past as stated previously.

There is no brick wall.

As far as I know UPnP is enabled.

I'm using Bullguard, but the firewall is set to allow LW

I am in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada at Carleton University.

Like I said before, I went from XP to Vista. I've made everything the same in regards to settings etc unless something was changed that I wasn't aware of.

Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Last edited by ArrJay; September 19th, 2009 at 11:31 PM.
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