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Old September 27th, 2009
DaBronxYankee DaBronxYankee is offline
Join Date: September 27th, 2009
Posts: 2
DaBronxYankee is flying high
Exclamation 3% - Stalled files already complete in Incomplete

I am using Vista Business SP2, with current LW 5.2.13 and Java 1.6.0_15. My problem I am having is that some of my files in my downloads might for example read 3% - Stalled 23.23 MB of 699.71, but in the Incomplete folder, it shows the complete 699.71 file already done. Why is that? I have tried to use the Fix Stalled link, but that does nothing that I can see. I have launched the files in Incomplete and they are fine and complete, so why doesn't LW update them in the Downloads window as complete?
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