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Old September 28th, 2009
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Originally Posted by crazyCat1957 View Post
Now, I did a search for a type of music (fold rock) and it loaded up to a certain point (99%) but not completely. Altho the LW logo thingie is not turning anymore (indicating stopped loading?). But It says 0 everywhere, no songs, no atrists no nothing.

How do I successfully get it ready to load songs into my MP3?
How do I load songs into the MP3?
I'm a bit confused by your post.
Loading normally means LW starting up, after you've opened the program. If you were able to search then LW would have to be completely loaded (opened). The spinning lime shows that LW is searching for files - once the lime stops spinning then LW isn't searching anymore. So I guess that LW is actually loading (opening) properly but you're not seeing search results?

Do you see results if you search for other, more common files (eg popular songs)?

If you see results for other searches, varying your search terms - use the All Types search to look for artist or album, rather than song title.

If you're not seeing results for any searches at all, check out the tips here (click on the link):

As for how to load songs onto your mp3 player - I wouldn't know. You haven't even told us what brand & model of player you have. Check the manual that came with your player, or use Google to find info.
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