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Old September 30th, 2009
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Peerless Peerless is offline
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because I think that is unfair...yep, I know, I can delete my own scores (and I have deleted plenty of my top scores over time)...I could also, if I wanted to be 'rude', delete secondary scores of others also (but they of course can't) the big picture it won't change my positions at all on the main screen (though it will change the numbers behind the leaderboard)...but it will directly affect the places on each individual game...

I liken my logic to how all contests are determined..the person who gets first place gets the gold...he/she doesn't also get the silver and bronze...the way it is now a person (who simply enjoys playing a game and/or wants to better their score...a good example is I noticed on another board there were scores way higher than mine on Tuer, Tuer, I played around a bit and figured out why and proceeded to get a much higher score....and yep, I left my previous scores there) can hold the top 100 positions of any given game if they dominate it to that extent...I bet I could hold the top 100 spots in SeeSaw, the 3d racing games, Intrusion and a few others....

its pretty damned simple math Paul...if the things were changed my total score on the leader of the arcade would drop, other's would rise...the placing would probably not change for me, but it might very well for others who weren't even on the top ten on certain games and now suddenly find themselves in second place on that game...

I do know I have never understood any sort of logic in the way the arcade is presently set up....

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

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