dear peerless,,this is hopeless aka bbdbbd
thanks for answers The operating system install is 6 to 7 months old..I had a computer man do a big 1T on it now...He Ghosted it all over..came back like this..he knows definitely what he is doing..he said for active X he does not use Java/Sun..he uses , I think he said "microsoft something or another?" Maybe you know the name of it????????So maybe he purposefully deleted long as you have JRE of some sort as I did there should not be any problems..? but I downloaded that is DOWNLOADED not installed about 5 or 6 versions of JRE and of Limewire about 3 or4..I have only a Control add remove shows some of these pgms..but they DO NOT INSTALL..remember I just told you downloaded and not installed? It is a brand new,all I know when I first got this back after a month or so I tried to start LW and thats when it all kept giveing me error1327.(that is from Java / Sun( an install shield problem I guess. I did all and everything they told me to no avail...the error kept saying " " " Invalid Drive H""""??????????????? H???? Hmmmm? Well, I had used 3 different back up EXTERNAL drives for copying things I did not want to lose...that one of them was drive H...but what I had on there, I rehook it up usb to pewter..and try to install in C drive and it still still still will not do it??I am so confused..and...STILL no answer to how I tell if this is a 64 bit? or whatever ???whaever else it could be????which is which and what is the difference??? |