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Old October 28th, 2009
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Get to know your modem router


Yes, there is a way to prevent your little brother from logging on to your modem/router.

First off, I don't know the make or model of your modem router so I cannot give you specific advice but, and because I too have a such a device, I can give you some general pointers.

a) You must have the "Administrators Access/Rights" to your modem router, you will not be able to do anything without it.

b) Setup the WPA or WPA2 security facilities within your modem router, most devices will allow either WEP, WPA or WPA2.

c) Register each PC, within your modem router, that you want to have Internet access (do not register you brother's PC).

d) Make sure that your security setting only allows registered PCs.

You will have to read, and become familiar with, your modem router's userguide (there is no other way around this) to find out the specific details of my instructions.

Good Luck.

UK Bob
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