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Old November 7th, 2009
Tidy Tidy is offline
Join Date: November 1st, 2009
Posts: 4
Tidy is flying high
Default wanted to ask a questions about using Limewire as a newbie

HI I was wondering if I could ask a question about the lasted version of Limwire. I am a newbie at Limewire I have never used Limewire before. I have read some of the posts on the forums about Limewire crashing on computers or having trouble connecting to the internet. I was just wondering in your opinion is it a good Idea to use Limewire even for a newbie? I was also wondering can I save most music files on a floppy disk and then scan the files for viruses? Is their more information I should read before downloading and using Limewire as a newbie? thanks
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