You have asked some good questions, which show that you are thinking about LW and peer to peer (P2P) activity before taking the plunge.
OK, I'll try to answer them:
You asked:
I have read some of the posts on the forums about Limewire crashing on computers or having trouble connecting to the Internet. I was just wondering in your opinion is it a good Idea to use Limewire even for a newbie?
LW Crashing computers, etc. depends on how your PC is set up, it's disk space, memory, O/S and a million and one other things. Suffice to say, more people, the majority of users, can use LW without any problems than the few that do have problems.
As for being a newbie, if you have a grasp of how to use and setup apps on your PC then you should not run into any problems that with a little help you should not be able to solve.
You also asked:
I was also wondering can I save most music files on a floppy disk and then scan the files for viruses?
No you can't, a floppy disk can only hold 1.44MB while the smallest music file is approximately 2.5MB, most are a lot bigger. However, you can buy an external USB HD and download to and scan your files there, which is method I used when I was using LW.
You finally asked:
Is their more information I should read before downloading and using Limewire as a newbie?
It would help if you read the stickies in this forum and check LW's FAQ and the contents pages (on the right of the screen), which is here:
Frequently Asked Questions - LimeWire
And finally, just remember that when using LW always use your common sense as well, i.e. keep your AV, FW and AS Applications up to date and run them regularly, be wary of any thing (file or files) that seems too good to be true and stay away from zip or compressed files.
I would also add that you keep an eye on LW's complete and incomplete folders in case something appears that you did not download.
UK Bob
PS: I have just seen this post by
Locomule, it is spot on: