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Old November 12th, 2009
LizD LizD is offline
Join Date: November 11th, 2009
Posts: 2
LizD is flying high
Confused Turbo Connection no kbs


Thankyou all for your help. I am connected with "Harbour IT" Satellite supposed to be speed 512/128 My harbourit handyman was the man from "harbour it"that came and "fixed" my dish after a windy day. I previously have got up to 60kb in the speed column but now after returning settings for limewire yesterday to defaults, I can now connect through harbourit but it is only 1-6kb in speed column. My provider does slow things down after we reach our limit, but we are no where near limit this time, so it has to be something else. Bandwidth shaping? Can that be fixed by me if that were the problem, and if I have connected through harbourit before but not now, does that mean he has messed with my settings when he "fixed" it? Thankyou all
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